Tuesday, March 22, 2011

korg mmg best! :)

igtkan dh abis dh suprise bday..
rpenye ad lgi..mmg tkejot..hahaha
wakenabeb..postmortem family day betukar jadi event calit mencalit kek!hahaha..
thank u so much..korg wish pon ak dh hepy ;)
hepy belated birthday 2 wani(same2 kite kene)..huuu...baru taw rpenye wani pny bday shari sblom bday ak..haha..
thanx 4 everything!chongmal!komapda!
sayang korg sume..korg mmg terbaikk!! <3
special thanx to the MASTERMIND!

p/s: cpat u/load pic..xsaba nk tgk muke ak yg mcm antu kak limah jatuh lam kek 2!!


  1. cyg fik...follow my blog juga..! i da follow you...baru taw ade blog jugak...hee...ngtkn sape td...jgn lupa follow blog nini k...

